World Blood Donor Day 2024
Blood is something we all need. For World Blood Donor Day, 14th June 2024, our Finance Manager, Emma, would like to share her story of why she gives blood and to encourage others to do the same.
It was never really a conscious decision to give blood. My Mum gave blood twice a year (that’s how often you were allowed back then), so when I turned 18 (the starting age is now 17) it was just a natural thing to do. I never really questioned it as it’s doing something for free to save lives. I just assumed most people would do it if they could. That is not the case!
Over the years there have been a few important people in my life who have needed blood transfusions, so if there was ever any doubt in my mind about not going, I just have to think about them. My Grandad had several transfusions when he had cancer. My niece fell and bit her tongue, losing lots of blood. Without blood donors she wouldn’t be here today. I share on Facebook when I give blood in the hope of encouraging just one more person, and many people thank me as they have needed blood for various different accidents/conditions.
I don’t do it for the thanks, I do it because I can. I understand that many people will be put off by the thought of the needle, but it really is painless.

What to expect
Arrival: When you arrive, you will be asked to read a welcome leaflet about donating blood. You will usually be given 500ml of water to drink just before you give blood. This helps prevent any ill effects from donating blood.
Health screening: You will be asked some questions to ensure your blood is safe to receive. A drop of blood will be taken from your finger to check for iron levels.
Blood donation: After you’re made comfortable, a cuff will be placed around your arm and a nurse will insert a needle into your arm. Once the needle is removed, a sterile dressing will be placed around your arm.
Rest: The actual donation takes just 8-10 minutes, but you need to factor in time to answer the questions – and at least 15 minutes of relaxation whilst you have a drink and a biscuit.
If the thought of saving lives isn’t enough to encourage you to go, think about the hour of peace (no kids asking me what’s for tea or where something is!) and a guilt-free biscuit!
If you are interested, please visit to sign up and start making a difference.